
Cara House Grand Opening Media Coverage

Cara House had its ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday November 30th. City officials, politicians, donors and Bethesda House supporters gathered to celebrate the grand opening. 26 additional permanent supportive housing beds and 16 emergency shelter beds are now available for Schenectady's homeless and re-entry populations. There is a current waitlist of over 200 individuals and 50 families waiting for permanent supportive housing in Schenectady. 

We are thrilled to share the media coverage of the day below:


Media Coverage Report - Cara House Ribbon Cutting

ABC10/WTEN (online) - Bethesda House expands to Cara House, filling increased need

ABC10/WTEN (broadcast) – New Homeless Shelter Opens in Schenectady (November 30, 2023) Aired 5x

ABC10/WTEN (broadcast) – New Homeless Shelter Opens in Schenectady (December 1, 2023) Aired 3x

CBS6/WGRB (online) - Schenectady welcomes Cara House: A unique housing facility for the formerly incarcerated and homeless

CBS6/WGRB (broadcast) – One of A Kind Housing Facility For Those Facing Homelessness Aired 5x  

NBC13/WNYT – Happening Now: New Housing Shelter (aired 4x)


Daily Gazette - Cara House opens in Schenectady; Housing units for homeless, others

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