Contribute your time, talent and treasure to support Bethesda House



  • Volunteer – prepare & serve our daily community meal; sort clothing; assist guests to make phone calls for employment & housing opportunities; be part of our nutritional education.
  • Share a special talent – work with our guests and residents to improve their literacy – so they can get their GED, music, storytelling, gardening, etc.
  • Volunteer at our residential programs – the Lighthouse and Liberty apartments
  • Donate – clothing; hygiene products; household goods. Donations of these items are accepted on Tuesday's from 9:00am-4:00pm, by appointment only.
    • ***Please note clothing donations should be gently used or in new condition. We do not accept donations with stains/tears/overwear. 


  • Hold a food drive for Bethesda House’s Emergency Food Pantry
  • Hold a clothing drive for Bethesda House’s free clothing room
  • Collect hygiene products and make “hygiene kits”
  • Make sandwiches, baked goods or other food monthly for Bethesda House’s daily community meal
  • Provide a weekend community meal at Bethesda House
  • Invite us to speak to your group


  • Support Bethesda House with a monthly or annual pledge
  • Hold a fundraiser for Bethesda House
  • Find out if your employer has a matching gifts program
  • Engage the support of fraternal organizations or other groups you attend (invite us to speak to your group!)
  • Consider a Bequest

Bethesda House of Schenectady is a 501c 3 Charitable Organization.