Bethesda House Revenue Sources & Use of Funds
For the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2024, 89% of Bethesda House's Revenue came from Federal, State and Government Sources or Fee for Service operations and 6% came from Contributions our public, friends, and supporters; remaining 5% of revenue is from Other and Temporarily Restricted sources. The pie chart below shows the breakdown:
The contributions serve an extremely important function of providing funds for services not provided by any other source are needed to keep Bethesda House running to manage the following services:
- Residential supported by US Department of HUD, Veterans Administration, NYS OTDA: NYSSHP, NYS OTDA ESSHI and Fee for Service
- Case Management & Clinical Services: Social Work and Medical Care supported by City of Schenectady, NYS OTDA: STEHP & ESSHI, Schenectady County Community Service: OMH, Schenectady County, and Fee for Service
- Program Department supported by City of Schenectady, NYS OTDA: STEHP, Regional Food Bank, and Concern for the Hungry.
- Administration supported by all revenue sources
All program services are supported by grants and private contributions.
The Funds (Revenue) provided and the programs supported by those funds are described below:
Federal Funds
HUD - United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Permanent Supportive Housing: Long-term housing that has supportive services for homeless persons with disabilities. Single adults receive stable, permanent housing, while developing the skills needed to become independent.
State Funds
NYS OTDA: New York State Supportive Housing Program (NYSSHP)
NYSSHP supports eligible services to people who are homeless or at risk and whose head of household needs services to maintain stable housing.
Solution to End Homelessness Program (STEHP)
STEHP funding is intended to enhance and support the quality and quantity of facilities and services currently available to address the needs of homeless individuals and families, and those households at risk of homelessness in New York State.
NYS OMH via Schenectady County Community Services
Supports Case Management and Social Work services to the homeless population with mental illness and substance abuse
- Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI)
Supports services provided to persons who are both homeless and who are identifies as having an unmet housing need as determined by the CoC or local planning entity through other supplemental local, state and federal data, AND have one or more disabling contiions and other life challenges.
Alliance for Positive Health
Alliance funds help support a multitude of services to benefit the community including community outreach and overnight shelter case management and social work.
Local Government Funds
City of Schenectady
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG):
Emergency Solutions Grants funds support, in part, the Day Drop-in Emergency Services and housing case management services.
Schenectady County Department of Social Services
Several services are supported by Schenectady County DSS including: intensive case management services specific to housing people from emergency shelters, extreme cold weather and ermgency shelter, and persons at-risk of becoming homeless.
Fee for Service
Veteran Administration: Transitional Housing Program for Veterans
In collaboration with the Veterans Administration, this grant provides transitional housing for veterans. Comprehensive support services include outreach, assessment, emergency services, and case management.
Temporarily Restricted
Regional Food Bank
Awards support the agency’s Soup Kitchen and Food Pantries
Concern for the Hungry
Supports the Soup Kitchen and Food Pantries
Contributions & Fundraising
Contributions and Fundraising support programs and services not covered by contracted revenue.
For more information, please view our latest Annual Report.
- Interest & Dividends, Investment Unrealized Gains
This source is generated primarily from our investment account's month-to-month activity
- Rent Income
This is made up of rent payments received from residents at our Liberty, Lighthouse and scattered Beacon sites
- Representative Payee Fees
This line item is comprised of monthly fees paid by our clients who participate in our Representative Payee Program